Seasongood Law Specializes in
Corporate and Art Law
Seasongood Law, Inc. is a business law firm that writes contracts, negotiates deals, structures transactions, creates companies, and helps partners out of disputes with their co-founders. We specialize in small businesses, entrepreneurs, and anyone else who wants great service at a fair price. We are easy to work with and a reliable partner for you and your business.
We use state-of-the-art technology and document automation to maximize the efficiency and quality of our work. We use visual design tools and mind maps to analyze and present information quickly and clearly. We use a project management system that keeps us on top of things. And, we store everything – encrypted – in the cloud, so we can be there for you when you need us.
Having this modern technology gives us the luxury to lawyer in one old-fashioned way: We lawyer like we’re humans – and so are you. We see your goals, hopes, strengths and weaknesses. We believe in you more than you do, but we’ll also tell you the truth with candor and empathy. We’re overjoyed to help you navigate opportunities and avoid potholes along the way. We are truly committed to your success.